Black Bullet Wiki
Black Bullet Wiki
Below is a list of fights from the Black Bullet series by Kanzaki Shiden.

A "fight" is considered to be the time from the initiation to the end of physical combat between at least 2 opponents in present time and, in some cases, in the past. They must be considered serious contests. Training sessions, petty brawls, and short flashbacks to previous fights are not listed as fights.

Civil Security arc[]

Civil Security arc
Fight Name Fight Image
Rentaro Satomi vs. Kagetane Hiruko
Kage stops Rentaro's punch
Enju Aihara vs. Sumiaki Okajima
Enju faces Sumiaki
Rentaro Satomi, Enju Aihara & Tadashima vs. Sumiaki Okajima
Enju, Rentaro and Tadashima vs Sumiaki

The Cursed Children arc[]

The Cursed Children arc
Fight Name Fight Image
Rentaro Satomi vs. Shougen Ikuma
Rentaro vs Shougen
Civil Security Corporation vs. Kagetane Hiruko
Kage vs CS
Enju Aihara vs. Kohina Hiruko
Kohina vs Enju

Legacy of the Seven Stars arc[]

Legacy of the Seven Stars arc
Fight Name Fight Image
Enju Aihara vs. The Original Gastrea
Enju vs. The Original Gastrea
Rentaro Satomi & Enju Aihara vs. Kagetane Hiruko & Kohina Hiruko
Rentaro tells Kagetane to go to hell
Kayo Senju vs. Gastrea
Kayo reveals her power


Omake Fights
Fight Name Fight Image
Rentaro Satomi, Enju Aihara, Shougen Ikuma & Kayo Senju vs. Stage II Gastrea
Rentaro and Shougen team-up